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Population Estimates

Demographic Features of Turkey

Population Estimates

The World Population Prospects publishes United Nations population estimates for all world countries and every year from 1950 to the present. The current population of Türkiye is 86,248,391 as of June 21, 2024, based on interpolation of the latest United Nations data. Turkey's population is expected to peak at 97,960,000 in 2059 and then decrease in the years following.

Demographic Characteristics

Demographic features of the population of Turkey include population density, ethnicity, education level, health of the populace, economic status, and religious affiliation.

Population Density

Turkey has a population density of 102 people per square kilometer, which is higher than the global average of 55 people per square kilometer. The population is concentrated in the western and Aegean regions of the country, with the Istanbul metropolitan area being the most densely populated.


The vast majority of the population of Turkey is Turkish (80%). Other ethnic groups include Kurds (19%), and smaller numbers of Arabs, Armenians, and Greeks.

Education Level

The literacy rate in Turkey is 98%. The average number of years of schooling for adults is 8 years. The primary and secondary education system is compulsory for all children aged 6 to 18.

Health of the Populace

The overall health of the populace is improving. The average life expectancy is 78 years. The infant mortality rate is 12 per 1,000 live births. The most common causes of death are cardiovascular disease, cancer, and respiratory diseases.

Economic Status

Turkey has a GDP per capita of $12,000. The unemployment rate is 10%. The main industries in Turkey are agriculture, textiles, and tourism.

Religious Affiliation

The vast majority of the population of Turkey is Muslim (99%). Other religious groups include Christians (0.5%), Jews (0.05%), and atheists (0.05%).


Turkey is a diverse and vibrant country with a rich history and culture. The demographic features of the population of Turkey are constantly changing, but the people of Turkey are united by their shared history and culture. The future of Turkey is bright, and the country is well-positioned to continue to grow and develop in the years to come.

Population Pyramid

